
Request for a Series 6, On Sale-All Liquor, liquor license in an area zoned C-2.
Arizona State Application 06070052


    Elias Chapa, Agent
    Hot Shots
    2929 North 16th Street

This request is for an ownership transfer of a Series 6 liquor license from Hot Shots Billiards, LLC to Infamous, LLC for a bar. This location was previously licensed for liquor sales and is currently operating with an interim permit. This location is not within 2,000 feet of a proposed light rail station.

The sixty-day limit for processing this application is Friday, March 23, 2007.

Consideration may be given only to the applicant's personal qualifications and not to the location.

  1. Department of Liquor Licenses and Control Public Access Data - This database indicates that the applicant does not currently hold an interest in any other liquor license in the State of Arizona.

  2. Police Calls for Services - Not applicable since the applicant does not currently hold an interest in any other liquor license in the City of Phoenix.

  3. Public Opinion - No petitions or protests have been received.

  4. Applicant's Statement - The applicant submitted the following statement in support of this application. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the statement are shown exactly as written by the applicant on the City Questionnaire:

    I have the capability, qualifications and reliability to hold a liquor license because: "I have another bus. running. I've had bar & management training. I have one liq. certified bar manager now, and I'm also sending all bartenders we hire to classes (liq.) including myself. I want better the neiborhood by closing the bus. down during certan hour, and not making it a 24 hr establishment."

  5. Staff Recommendation - Staff recommends disapproval of this application based on a Police Department recommendation for disapproval.

    The Police Department disapproval is based on concerns regarding the applicant's qualifications. In 1989, Mr. Chapa was arrested for first degree murder. In 2004, Mr. Chapa was arrested and cited for assault. In 2005, Mr. Chapa was contacted by the Police Department following an incident at Boomerang Bar & Billiards. During the interview, he claimed to be a member of the Brown Pride street gang. Additionally, Mr. Chapa owns another business, Chapa's Pits, a breeding kennel for pit bulls he operates out of his home. In July 2006, Mr. Chapa was cited by the Arizona Humane Society for operating a kennel illegally. Mr. Chapa did not have the proper operating permits and was neglectful of the dogs in his care. Finally, Mr. Chapa failed to disclose complete financial indebtedness for the business and property. Mr. Chapa did not supply any information as to the funding for the property purchase. Hot Shots historically has been a problematic liquor establishment and Mr. Chapa's criminal background and business practices do not reflect well on his ability to operate a bar in a responsible manner.

This item is submitted by Ms. Takata and the City Clerk Department.

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